在劍橋分析公司(Cambridge Analytica)的資料隱私醜聞之後,Mozilla是第一個宣佈它在Facebook上“暫停”廣告的主要品牌。今天,該組織宣佈了一項新工具,該工具將幫助Facebook追蹤你的流覽網頁。
The Facebook Container add-on for Firefox promises to make it “much harder” for Facebook to track you when you’re not on its site. Mozilla has been working on the technology for several years already, accelerating its development in response to what it called a “growing demand for tools that help manage privacy and security,” according to a statement issued by Mozilla today.
Most people are probably aware that data they directly give to Facebook — such as “liking” a Page or updating their relationship status — may be sold to advertisers. But fewer people know that Facebook can also track their activities on other websites that have integrated with aspects of Facebook’s tracking technology, such as the pervasive “Like” button. And it’s in this scenario that Mozilla is now hoping to play the good guy.
The add-on, which can be installed through the usual means in Firefox, essentially “isolates” your Facebook profile from the rest of your web browsing, meaning you can use Facebook as usual without experiencing the off-site tracking part.
How it works
As its name suggests, the Facebook Container add-on is, well, a container — you access Facebook from within a little silo that is disconnected from the rest of your browser. When you install the extension in the first instance, all your existing Facebook cookies and data will be deleted.
顧名思義,Facebook的容器外掛程式是一個容器——你可以從一個 巨大的穀倉(silo) 裡進入Facebook,而這個巨大的穀倉(silo)與你的其他流覽器斷開連接。當你安裝完擴衝插件後,所有現有的Facebook cookie和資料都將被刪除。
顧名思義,Facebook的容器外掛程式是一個容器——你可以從一個 巨大的穀倉(silo) 裡進入Facebook,而這個巨大的穀倉(silo)與你的其他流覽器斷開連接。當你安裝完擴衝插件後,所有現有的Facebook cookie和資料都將被刪除。
When you next go to log in to Facebook, the site will load in a separate blue-colored tab, which serves as the “container.”
If you interact with a Facebook share button from within another Firefox tab it will load within the Facebook Container tab, but Facebook will know that you have interacted with that third-party website. It’s also worth noting here that Facebook comments and Like buttons on websites in other tabs won’t work, and you may also encounter problems if you try to log in to a website using your Facebook credentials on third-party websites.
While it’s true that you can already browse privately in Firefox via a “private window,” doing so means that you will access all websites in that mode, not just Facebook. The add-on is purely about keeping Facebook from tracking you passively as you shift from website to website, though as noted it may “break” some Facebook Platform features that you have become accustomed to using on third-party sites. But hey, you can’t have it all ways.
Today’s announcement comes a month after Google rolled out a new filter within Chrome to block ads that don’t comply with standards set out by the Coalition for Better Ads. Last week, Mozilla announced its 2018 roadmap for Firefox, which also includes a blocker for “bad ads,” as well as other tools to prevent autoplaying video and provide breach alerts, something the company had previously tested.
今天的聲明是一個月前,谷歌推出了一個新的篩檢程式在Chrome阻止廣告不符合標準設定的廣告。上周,Mozilla Firefox宣佈其2018年的規劃,該公司之前測試的像是一個攔截器”壞廣告”,以及其他工具來防止播放視頻和提供違約警報。
今天的聲明是一個月前,谷歌推出了一個新的篩檢程式在Chrome阻止廣告不符合標準設定的廣告。上周,Mozilla Firefox宣佈其2018年的規劃,該公司之前測試的像是一個攔截器”壞廣告”,以及其他工具來防止播放視頻和提供違約警報。
The Facebook Container add-on fits into that broader scheme of things, insofar as Mozilla wants to position Firefox as a privacy- and security-focused browser. And what better way to capitalize on Facebook’s current privacy scandal than by launching an add-on that promises to keep the company from tracking you?
“There’s an important conversation going on right now about the power that companies like Facebook wield over our lives,” Firefox VP Nick Nguyen said in a blog post. “These businesses are built on technology platforms that are so complex, it’s unreasonable to expect users to fully understand the implications of interacting with them. As a user of the internet, you deserve a voice and should be able to use the internet on your own terms.”
火狐副總裁Nick Nguyen在一篇貼文中說:“現在有一場重要的對話正在進行,關於像是Facebook這樣的公司對我們的生活有什麼影響。”“這些事業是建立在複雜的技術平臺之上的,指望用戶完全理解與他們互動的影響是不合理的。”作為一名網路使用者,你應該有發言權,能夠按照自己的方式使用網路。
原英文網址: https://venturebeat.com/2018/04/02/mcafee-finds-that-gamers-are-strong-candidates-for-cybersecurity-jobs/
火狐副總裁Nick Nguyen在一篇貼文中說:“現在有一場重要的對話正在進行,關於像是Facebook這樣的公司對我們的生活有什麼影響。”“這些事業是建立在複雜的技術平臺之上的,指望用戶完全理解與他們互動的影響是不合理的。”作為一名網路使用者,你應該有發言權,能夠按照自己的方式使用網路。
原英文網址: https://venturebeat.com/2018/04/02/mcafee-finds-that-gamers-are-strong-candidates-for-cybersecurity-jobs/